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Eric Glenn

Author Archives: Eric Glenn

I launched this blog to provide advanced material, guiding you towards a better and more comfortable gaming tools experience. I deliver more than gaming gear guides, and motivate people to play games and keep the fitness forever!

Learn About The Fun Game Of Air Hockey

People often ask, what is air hockey? Some ask, is it a sport or just another recreational activity? Others comically draw up the conclusion that air hockey is simply a hockey game played in the air. Whatever you feel air hockey is, this article is fashioned out to state in clear terms exactly what the […]

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Mini Table Top Air Hockey Review

Design Features Material Price Work without play makes Jack a dull boy. As a parent, I knew that my kids are getting older and I had to get something to keep off the monotony of academics. I settled for the Mini Table Top Air Hockey due to its incredible features. After ordering, the table delivered […]

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Why Air Hockey is Such an Addicting Game

Playing air hockey is a great way to bond with your friends or family over a weekend. It involves hitting the puck into the opponent’s goal. The table is usually plugged into an electric outlet to help the puck move across the board. It is very easy to learn the game. The game can also be […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Human Air Hockey

Casual Indoor games are very common nowadays. You can find them in many hotels, casinos, recreational centers, and even in some restaurants and bars. There are a variety of casual indoor games that include darts, table tennis, billiards, football (or table football), and of course, air hockey. These games are usually played as a form of […]

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Carrom 20.01 Nok-Hockey Game Review

Design Features Material Price Make any room a game room with the Carrom 20.01 Nok-Hockey Game. With a PVC laminated MDF surface, high-tempo music and in-rail LED lighting, this Nok-Hockey Game will add fast-paced excitement to your bar, club, lounge or game room.  Its large tapered legs won’t get in your way while the electronic scoreboard […]

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The Phenomenon That Was Air Hockey

The familiar sound of a crisp clicks as you stand on one side, clutching your resin sombrero, as a few drops of sweat slowly trickle down your wrist. However, there is no time to wipe as those 7 seconds of anticipation are slowly over-shadowed by the exact same sound at the other end of the […]

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