Resource - Hockey Geeky

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Category Archives for "Resource"

Air Hockey Playing Tips

Air hockey is one of the most enjoyable indoor sport that is becoming so popular nowadays, Over the years Air Hockey has emerged as one of the greatest sport for players and fans. If you don’t know much about this sport, it’s very easy to learn and acquire skills like a pro.  Air hockey requires two […]

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Air Hockey Rules, Competition and Stratos

Here under deeply describe Air Hockey Rules by our expartsIn this era dominated by the Video games, we are all restrained by the lack of movements in our body. The lack of movement will create health problems in our body, and there are only very few video games that require physical movement. Video games were preferred […]

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How to Play Air Hockey and The Rules Involved

Air hockey game is played on a low friction table where two players play against each other using strikers and a puck. The game was invented in 1969 and it is played on a special air hockey table. The table is expensive and it requires quality maintenance. For that reason, its surface is sometimes replaced by […]

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Learn About The Fun Game Of Air Hockey

People often ask, what is air hockey? Some ask, is it a sport or just another recreational activity? Others comically draw up the conclusion that air hockey is simply a hockey game played in the air. Whatever you feel air hockey is, this article is fashioned out to state in clear terms exactly what the […]

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Why Air Hockey is Such an Addicting Game

Playing air hockey is a great way to bond with your friends or family over a weekend. It involves hitting the puck into the opponent’s goal. The table is usually plugged into an electric outlet to help the puck move across the board. It is very easy to learn the game. The game can also be […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Human Air Hockey

Casual Indoor games are very common nowadays. You can find them in many hotels, casinos, recreational centers, and even in some restaurants and bars. There are a variety of casual indoor games that include darts, table tennis, billiards, football (or table football), and of course, air hockey. These games are usually played as a form of […]

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The Phenomenon That Was Air Hockey

The familiar sound of a crisp clicks as you stand on one side, clutching your resin sombrero, as a few drops of sweat slowly trickle down your wrist. However, there is no time to wipe as those 7 seconds of anticipation are slowly over-shadowed by the exact same sound at the other end of the […]

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All You Need To Know About Air Hockey

Air Hockey is an action-packed game that consists of two single-player teams standing on the opposing ends of the table, called hockey table. Some of the equipment necessary to play the game includes pucks, goalies that you use to push the puck, the goal line and hockey table. The table, the most crucial equipment, must be […]

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