Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table Review - Hockey Geeky

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Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table Review

Best research information of Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table

Sometimes it’s hard to get the size right for an air hockey table. You don’t want it to be too small when you have adolescent kids playing the game. But a table that’s too big may not fit in your place, and storage can be an issue.

But for many, the Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey table is just right. And we’re not just talking about the size either.

Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table Review

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Right size

It measures 48 inches long, 27 inches wide and 32 inches high. So it’s ideal for smaller rooms that simply can’t accommodate bigger models. You have to understand that you still need lots of space for the players to move around comfortably.

Storage and portability

It’s not just the smaller size that makes the Quikset easy to bring along on vacations or to store away. This unit comes with folding legs, which you can do in just a few seconds. Then it resembles a tabletop unit, and you can put it easily in a cabinet or under the couch or bed.

Extra stable

Now you may be concerned that folding the legs every time may make it unstable. That’s a real concern with these things, since many units are made with just MDF materials.

But the hinges on the legs are reinforced with durable steel. The manufacturer has actually anticipated these concerns and has incorporated solutions to keep problems from occurring.

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Effective scoring system

Previous versions of this model came with an electronic scorekeeping system. But it was so unreliable according to so many online complaints. So what happened is that this now also comes with a manual scoring system too.

What makes this especially nice is that it doesn’t lie flat so only the nearby player can see their score. Here, it is raised and angled so that the opponent sees the score too. This means players can keep track of the score more effectively as they play.

Unique design

It’s one of the very few air hockey tables that don’t come with a white playing surface. Instead, it’s actually blue all over. That’s not a problem since the puck and the strikers are white. Besides, the unique look is very nice and discreet.

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It’s a great size for younger players and small spaces.
It’s very easy to store away.
It’s portable for vacations.
It’s durable.
The air blower works well with no dead spots.


The electronic scoring system is disappointing.
There’s no on/off switch.
It may be too small for strong teenagers.

Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table

Franklin Sports Quikset Air Hockey Table

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Q. Does this come with an air blower?
A.Yes, it does. You just need to plug it in, and the puck will glide all over the playing area.

Q.How heavy is it?
A.It weighs about 44 pounds. That means adults should be able to move it from one spot to another easily, while still remaining in place during gameplay.

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Q.What are the best ages for players?
A.It’s best for players from 5 to 11 years old. But don’t tell that to the adults who will want to play with this too.

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Final Verdict

This quickset air hockey/franklin game table is the perfect size for young kids and adolescents, and it’s not too small that the adults can’t play with the tots. With the manual scoring, everything works as well as expected, so you can get hours of gameplay with this without any annoying interruptions. If you want to wean kids from smartphone gaming apps, this is it.More over this is also call franklin sports air hockey table.

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Eric Glenn

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