Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade System Reviews - Hockey Geeky

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Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade System Reviews

No, this isn’t an air hockey table. But if you want to take a break from air hockey, then shooting hoops indoors is a hoot. This is especially true for young kids who are basketball fans, who can’t play outside because it’s raining.

For young kids learning to play and for parties where young kids like to display their shooting prowess, the Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade System is a great choice.

 Lifetime Basketball Double Shot Arcade System


This is a rather large piece of equipment, and it seems like it’ll fit nicely in an arcade. The entire thing measures 90 inches long and 51 inches wide, and it goes up to 90 inches high.

The height can actually be adjusted from 82 to 90 inches. The backboard is 48 inches wide and 20 inches high, and there is 2 rings side by side. The 7 balls are 7 inches in diameter.

Excellent ball return system

The Lifetime Basketball Double Shot has a piece of canvas that catches the ball at the bottom so that the balls roll down to the shooters. With 7 balls, each one should have a ready supply of balls to shoot as quickly as possible.

Of course, not every shot will go in, so there’s netting on both sides to rein in wayward shots from bouncing all over the room. There’s even a pump (and a needle) for the balls.

Fold up design

It’s probably convenient to just leave this in place so players can shoot hoops anytime they want. But you may also want to put in storage when you want more space in the room. If that’s the case, you can just hold this contraption up for easier storage.

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Then it becomes just 41 inches long. You just fold it up in place, and you can put it out of the way. Just unfold it back, and you’re ready to play again.

Electronic scoring

Kids like to keep score as they’re often inherently competitive. Arguments often arise when kids don’t mark the score accurately.

But the electronic scoring system here is very accurate. It uses infrared scoring sensors so it can track made shots accurately. As a bonus, you even have electronic buzzers and sound effects for a really fun game atmosphere.

Extreme durability

This contraption is designed to last for a very long time. Every piece used for its construction is tough and sturdy. It uses tough 18 gauge steel tubing that’s rust-resistant, the canvas won’t ever rip or sag, the backboard is made from strong MDF half an inch thick, and the rings and the Nets are the all heavy duty. With normal use, you can expect many years of service with this game.

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It offers lots of fun for kids.

It’s extremely durable.

The ball is prevented from bouncing all over the place.

It’s not that expensive.

You can fold it up.


It’s not that cheap either.

Setting it up initially can be a rather complicated business.

You need to set up the infrared sensor properly, or else it won’t keep score accurately.


Q. How high should your ceiling be?
A.It should be at least 8 feet high.

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Q.Why is it so expensive compared to other basketball systems?
A.That’s because this model can last for a lifetime. It’s just so tough and durable.

Q.How long will it take you to set it up?
A.The assembly may take up to 4 hours. But after that, it’s just a matter of folding it up and back again in just a few seconds.

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Final Verdict

Admittedly, shooting hoops isn’t as engrossing and time-consuming as air hockey. But it’s a lot of fun especially when there are lots of kids around waiting to play.

And what’s more, kids can practice alone, so when the other kids come to visit they can show off their improved skills. This is a great addition to any game room, and with young basketball fans it sure is a hoot.

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Eric Glenn

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